Our Staff

David & Shana Wigington

Lead Pastor

David Wigington grew up in a pastor’s home and preached his first sermon when he was 11-years-old. He is passionate about communications, missions, and church planting and has a heart for the lost. He has traveled around the world to engage, encourage, and equip missionary workers and pastors in over 60 countries. He and his wife Shana pioneered Cornerstone in Bloomington, Indiana in 1997. Cornerstone is consistently among the top 10 missions giving churches in the Assemblies of God. David serves on the US Missions Board and the elder board of Live Dead. He also serves as the Vice President of strategic fundraising for The Stone Table. Additionally, David serves as the Director of Church relations for Project Rescue. He has helped raise over $50 million for missions in his lifetime. Shana helps lead worship at Cornerstone, leads and organizes events for women to have community and can often be seen providing childcare for Cornerstone Young Adults small groups and services. She is the director of Human Resources for the Biology Department at Indiana University. David and Shana have two sons, Nathan (Brianna) and Adam (Rachel) and four grandchildren—Alaina, Eleanor, Theodore, and Meredith. Shana is an avid reader, a great baker and just generally loves spending time with her family. David enjoys golf, photography, and reading. In July of 2018, he published his first book “God of the Long View."

Lana Bledsoe

Kids Ministry Pastor

Lana Bledsoe has served as Cornerstone’s director of children’s ministries since 2005 and has been a licensed minister of Christian education since 1998. Lana gave her heart to the Lord at five years of age and has passionately pursued Him ever since. Now she strives to instill that same passion in the “Kingdom Kids” of Cornerstone.

Jared Edgeworth

Student Ministry Pastor

Jared Edgeworth pastors Cornerstone Youth Ministry. He met his wife, Vera, in the Ukraine during a missions trip, giving the concept of missionary dating a whole new twist. They have 2 boys, Jasha and Pasha, and 1 girl Katya. Jared has been working with Cornerstone teens since 2007. His main passion is to see teens learn and grow in Christ--teaching them the importance of understanding who they are in Christ and why they believe what they believe. He is not just interested in seeing teens come to Christ, but to help them become life-long disciples of Christ. Jared enjoys snowboarding, soccer, music, guitar and spending time with his family.

Dr. Dennis & Melody Turner

Executive Pastors

Dennis and Melody have attended Cornerstone since 2000. Both have served in education in Christian and public schools in Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, and Indiana. Melody has taught most elementary grades and served as an Elementary Principal; Denny has taught at elementary, secondary, and university levels and served as Superintendent of Schools for over 20 years. They have passion for the trans-generational impact of the Good News in every age and phase of life.  Their desire is to be supportive of the Cornerstone mission and its ministries.

Jordan & Derek Britt

Administrator/Worship Leader & Chi Alpha College Ministry

Derek and Jordan Britt (and their sons Davis and Jonas) serve as the Chi Alpha directors at Indiana University, where they help students grow through real devotion, real community, and real responsibility. They partner with Cornerstone Christian Fellowship to create a space where students can learn to follow Jesus, build authentic friendships, and make an impact on campus and beyond.

Jordan also leads worship at Cornerstone, bringing the same passion for Jesus that drives Chi Alpha. Together, Derek and Jordan are all about equipping students to live out their faith and lead others to do the same, both at IU and in the local church.

Nathan Wigington


Nathan grew up at Cornerstone and has been serving as the Production Lead for many years now.  He and his wife Brianna have two daughters. Nathan grew up in our Kids Ministry, Youth Ministry, and was a Core Group leader with Chi Alpha while attending Indiana University. He then spent a year serving with one of our missionary teams in the Indian Ocean Basin before returning home to resume his role at Cornerstone. He enjoys reading, cooking, video games, and spending time with his family.

Adam Wigington

Media and Young Adult Ministry

Adam serves in many aspects of the church, including media/graphic design, maintenance, and leading the Young Adult ministry - as well as serving in the student ministry and worship team. Rachel serves as a student ministry leader and leader within Cornerstone Kids. Adam and Rachel met in our Cornerstone student ministry over 10 years ago and now have 2 kids, Eleanor and Theodore. Adam and Rachel strive to serve their church and community in any capacity they are able. Adam loves spending time with his family, going to Disney World, and building Legos. Rachel loves spending time with family, crocheting, and baking with sourdough. 

Anna Cooper

Resident Missionary Associate

Anna’s journey with Cornerstone began a long time ago, but in college when she joined Indiana University, she made it her home church and became deeply involved ever since. For the past four years, she has been an active student leader in Chi Alpha and now serves as volunteer staff, dedicated to sharing the gospel at IU. Anna’s passion for missions grew during her time with Chi Alpha, leading her to pursue full-time ministry. She is currently a Missionary Associate with the International Society for Missionary Kids under Assemblies of God World Missions, where she supports and mentors missionary children globally. Additionally, Anna contributes to Cornerstone Kids on Sunday mornings. Her commitment to ministry and missions spans both her local church and international outreach.
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